The Pedestrian Bridge is considered Palmerston’s most unique and treasured landmark. During the railroad’s peak in Palmerston, the Grand Trunk had expanded the number of tracks in its yard to accommodate up to 40 trains a day. It became very tricky to pass over such a large number of tracks without some inherent dangers present.
In the early days, a decision had been made to build the school on one side of the
tracks even though the residential area was on the other side. As a result, all of the railway traffic had to stop to accommodate students travelling back and forth to school in the morning and afternoon.
To minimize the danger for pedestrians, the Grand Truck Railway
began building the Pedestrian Bridge in 1910 which was finished by 1912. This bridge allowed people to safely cross the train tracks and was often used by children walking to school.
This bridge, constructed in 1912, has since been noted as the longest bridge of its kind in Ontario.
In Love With That Old Iron Bridge
a 2012 Centennial Film